Just like every other IT blogger out there, it’s time for my “goodbye to 2011” post.  So here goes…

See ya 2011, don’t let the door hit ya on the way out!

Did you really expect anything more from me?  I think I posted pretty much the same thing last year; no recaps, no disappointing blog posts, no lamenting on how 2011 was supposed to be the year of (fill in the blank).  It’s over.  Done.  Kaput.

Unlike last year though, I don’t plan to post any goals or predictions on 2012.  Sure, the common buzzwords are still going strong and I’m sure we’ll see more adoption of cloud computing, social media, gamification etc., etc., but I’m not a Forrester or Gartner analyst.  I’m just out there working in IT Service Management and honestly, adding one to the year won’t cause a sudden shift in my IT life.

Oh wait, I forgot.  I do predict that the world will not end in 2012.  Sorry to crush your Mayan prophecy hopes.


Started working in IT in 1999 as a support desk analyst as a way to help pay for food during college. Studied Electrical Engineering for two years before realizing biochemistry was more fun than differential equations, and so ultimately graduated with a Biology degree in 2006. Having (reluctantly) failed at getting accepted into dental school, embraced working in IT and has gone broke becoming an ITIL Expert. Likes to jog, sing camp songs, quote Mel Brooks movie lines and make dumb jokes and loves working for an Israeli tech company where December 25th is a regular work day.