I subscribe to The IT Skeptic since I don’t believe that ITIL is the end all, be all answers to I.T. processes. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but I just don’t believe in “drinking the coolaid” of any belief or methodology and even though I refer to my Service Operations book as 1/5th of the bible, I still keep in mind that ITIL is a framework and allows flexibility in its application.
On that note; here’s an interesting post regarding someone that’s asking a “is it too good to be true” question when it comes to implementing an out of the box ITIL tool. Since my I.T. department is also looking at the same kind of technology I couldn’t pass up some of the sarcasm when it comes to the posting. The big lesson I learned after reading this post is that there’s no point in migrating to a new tool if you’re only changing technology; the processes need to be changed as well or else you’ll just end up in the same boat. Without further ado, here’s the post. Happy reading! http://www.itskeptic.org/node/1873.